Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Video of the Land of Oz Part 1

Every year on the first weekend of October, the Land of Oz on Beech Mountain opens to the public. Once upon a time, the Land of Oz was a theme park (1970-1980 R.I.P.) with singing, dancing, rides and little museums and vendors. After the park closed in 1980, high end houses started popping up around the yellow brick road, and most of the Emerald City was destroyed. But part of the park still remains and Appalachian Americans dressed as Wizard of Oz characters greet you along the yellow brick road.

This year was miserable because it was FREEZING cold and the parking situation was HORRIBLE! But once in the park, even in the blowing snow, the place was charming.

So here is video evidence that the Land of Oz does exist. There is no place like Appalachia!

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